EMR for Mental Health Providers have had a positive effect on patient care and the work lives of family physicians. Over the past few decades, our medical knowledge has increased. More investigative and treatment options are available; as a result, our patients are...
Information Technology
Mental Health Providers Need EMR
EMR or electronic medical records are a relatively new way to store and share patient information. These records are stored, reviewed, and updated in a secure drive that can only be accessed by providers within the same healthcare organization. EMR for mental health...
Create a Professional Image for Your Company with a Quality Website Design
When searching for information online or products to purchase, online users look for companies they can trust. If a site looks too cluttered, hard to navigate or displays unrelated content. People will quickly leave the site for another website that is easier to...
Why Choose Electronic Health Records?
Electronic health records, or EHR, are the most efficient and advanced ways to manage the care of your patients. They differ slightly from electronic medical records (or EMR) in that they link together your patients’ history across all of their providers, as well as...